Homeroom 7 (Baumer)

Course Description

Parents &Guardians,
I will post important homeroom information on this page. Also, I will ALWAYS email important homeroom information to you as well. Emails will be sent to the email address you provided me on the contact form sent home the first week of school. If you wish to add an email address or if you are not receiving my emails, please send me an email stating the email address you wish to be added. Contact me at [email protected]
Helpful First Week of School Information:
1. SFMS does have a dress code. DRESS CODE LINK
2. Students can use a draw string bag for PE clothes. All back packs must be kept in lockers. It is best NOT to bring a backpack until lockers are assigned (usually happens the second week).
3. Lockers are not usually assigned until the end of the first week, so DO NOT bring locker shelves and decor until notified later in the week.
4. Once lockers are assigned, students MUST have a combination lock in order to use their locker.
5. Students must keep their phones shut off and in their pockets at all times.
6. Students will receive their schedules on the first day of school. Simply come to homeroom and I will give your child their schedule and review the school map with them. No worries!