Rachel Reich » Study Skills

Study Skills



  • Establish a quiet, comfortable, well-lighted study area at home. Keep this area clean and organized.
  • Take regular study breaks, but no longer than 10 minutes each.
  • Review the notes taken in classes each day. It may help to re-write the notes. This will help with learning and understanding the material.
  • If difficulty is experienced on homework, ask a parent, peer, or teacher for assistance.


  • Always write assignments in the agenda book during each class. If unsure, check the teacher websites.
  • Prioritize homework and studying for each evening. Look at the agenda book to determine what is needs to be completed or studied for the next day. Do that first. 
  • Organize backpacks each evening for the next school day. Write a “reminder note” if there is something that needs to be remembered for school the next day.


  • Auditory Learner: learns best from listening to material being presented (lectures, books on tape, talking concepts over with another person, reading aloud).
  • Visual Learner: learns best when information is presented in written format (diagrams, notes, reading textbook, remembering information in picture form).
  • Tactile/Kinesthetic Learner: learns best in hands-on learning environments (rewrite or type notes, lab projects, pacing while memorizing, making flashcards). 


  • Be present for all days of the assessments.
  • Be prompt to school.
  • Be certain to eat a healthy breakfast.
  • Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.




  • Be prepared for class by having a pencil, paper, notebook/binder, homework, agenda book and anything else required for that class.
  • Complete all assigned readings and homework prior to going to class.  discussions and activities will be easier to learn and follow.
  • Listen in class and find ways to become more attentive. 
  • Actively take notes.
  • Ask questions in class about information that requires further clarification.



  • Organize binders at least once a week. Clean out and throw away anything that is unnecessary.  
  • Organize and clean out the school locker often.
  • Develop a “Homework Folder,” if homework is getting misplaced or not turned in once completed. One side of the folder can be “Work To Be Completed” – work for that evening. The other side of the folder can be labeled “Homework To Be Turned In.”  
  • Be certain to learn the teacher’s recommendations for organizing materials (binders for each section - A.M. binder and P.M. binder). If there are no set requirements, develop a system for yourself that works.


  • On a weekly calendar, record assignments, due dates of upcoming projects, and scheduled tests. Write extra curricular activities for the week. Plan study time and homework time accordingly.
  • Do not save studying for the night before a test. Begin studying 3-4 nights prior to a test for 10 minutes each evening.
  • Be certain to schedule some relaxation time into the daily schedule. 
