October 30 - November 3, 2017

This week, we will conclude our introduction, to the game of Pickleball. We will reinforce, learning the grip and the swing: backhand, forehand, and striking the ball for the Serve. In addition, this week will will reinforce the official rules and a brief history.
We continue to encourage our students to do homework in physical education, by practicing our warm-ups, stretching, strength exercises, aerobic exercise and a cool-down.
This week, our homework could include, practicing the grip and skills of the Badminton, Ping Pong and/or Pickleball; make a court out in the driveway and/or backyard.
Physical Education
Make-up Days
Tuesday, December 12th and Thursday, December 14th
Start time is 6:45am (in PE uniform and in assigned seat)
See me for information and/or additional Make-up Work.