December 4 - December 8, 2017

This week, we will continue the game of Bowling. We will review, grip, stance, 4-step approach, swing, release and follow-through. We will introduce, keeping score and playing the game, including etiquette, rules,.....
We really encourage our students to do homework in physical education, (especially after the Thanksgiving Holiday feast) by practicing our warm-ups, stretching, strength exercises, aerobic exercise and a cool-down.
This week, our homework should include practicing; stance, 4-step approach, swing, release and follow-through; find and/or create a line, to simulate the Foul Line.
Physical Education
Make-up Days
Tuesday, December 12th and Thursday, December 14th
Start time is 6:45am (in PE uniform and in assigned seat)
See me for information and/or additional Make-up Work.